Latest headlines: Bob Snyder on GlassCourt OS and its potential to change game-time advertising and more, plus news from C2G, Extron & more
August 2, 2023 | Volume: 21 | Issue: 29
Bob Snyder writes about the FIBA Under-19 Women’s Basketball World Cup — but not just for the sports. This basketball court has become somewhat of an AV phenomenon — GlassCourt OS. Learn more about this really cool operating system and how it has the capability to change game-time advertising and more.
Our August Temperature Check survey is out and ready for you to answer! Check it out and give us your thoughts on resimercial technology — we’re very interested in your take. (We’re also giving away two $50 Amazon gift cards to two lucky respondents!)
Finally, make sure to register for Commercial Integrator Expo 2023 (Sept. 7-9) using code “RAVECE23.” We can’t wait to see you in Denver!
In Madrid, the site of the FIBA Under-19 Women’s Basketball World Cup 2023, players dribbled over an innovative ASB GlassFloor. While fans didn’t “dribble” in the same way, their mouths were certainly left agape. The basketball court now becomes an operating system, thanks to the “GlassCourt OS,” a partnership with ASB GlassFloor, dandelion + burdock, and Rapati Studio.