Study With Steph — Lesson 18: Are You There, AV Math Gods? It’s Me, Stephanie
It’s time for the episode that you’ve all been requesting … AV Math! And because this requires a lot of writing and graphics, I’ve included all of those below. So do feel free to give this episode a watch, and let me know if you have any questions or want to work through anything together […]
Church AV Trends: Unusual Aspect Ratio Video Walls
As multi-site churches expand their reach with additional locations into retail areas and school buildings to accommodate a larger attendance at these remote ‘satellite’ campuses, the needs for AVL shift away from so-called ‘big box’ venues with high ceilings and ample room to venues with lower ceilings and limited sightlines. The opportunity for audiovisual (AV) […]
Predicting the Future of Video in Churches
Back in 2002, I wrote a widely-publicized article about all churches needing to make the move to 16:9 aspect ratio widescreen. Nearly 15 years later, it turns out I was right — well, almost right. I saw dimly into the future of church video technology and was ahead of the curve in predicting the future of […]
Weekly Wrap-Up: March 21, 2014
We’ve rounded up the stories you can’t miss from this week. There’s some InfoComm news with the introduction of it’s InfoComm Connections, Yamaha Corporation Acquired Revolabs, we reported about Sony’s new VPL-FHZ55 – the industry’s first (and still only) 100% Laser-based light sourced projector and LCD has won the DLP vs. LCD projection technology question. […]
Whipping It In Shape: Aspect Ratios
The focus of this series “Power of Content” is to help people with content strategies and how they relate to digital screen media. If digital signage was real estate, then the aspect ratio would be the overall shape of the lot — in the case of screens, it’s width divided by its height. Many people […]