The Daily Raff: ISE 2023 Day 4 Thoughts

ise fira barcelona rave team

Wow. And just like that, the show is over. I really can’t believe it. I’ve focused heavily on products and solutions the past few days, and I’ll still mention a couple of things, but today I really want to talk a little more in-depth about exactly what goes into this show.

As you can see above, this is our team. We had video shooters in every hall, running around and going as quickly as they could so that they could get videos of every stand on the show floor before it closed Friday afternoon. We had people running around and posting on social to make sure we could make our presence known. We had Gary and me conducting interviews with manufacturers, subject matter experts, influencers, AVIXA and ISE team members and more. We had someone who works in sales, every member of leadership and someone to head the product video strategy. We had such hard workers this year. I’m so grateful for every one of them.

I take my position at rAVe very seriously. I want to get in all my interviews, make new connections and write good things while I’m at a show. And thanks to the team we had, that was possible. If you’ve met any of my co-workers this week, from a video shooter to our director of marketing, consider yourself lucky. We’ve got some really special people here.

I think you can feel the energy of how amazing this last day was during today’s episode of rAVe [TV]. Dave Labuskes of AVIXA, Mike Blackman of ISE and Juan José Vila of Equipson all joined to give their perspectives. It’s a really great episode if I do say so myself.

Enough of the sappy stuff. Now, let’s go onto the show floor.


@theraveagency Meet DALTON as he takes over rAVe [PUBS] on day 3 of #ISE2023 #AVtweeps ♬ original sound – THE rAVe Agency

Watch the above before moving on, and I dare you not to laugh. Yes, he came up with Cresty Besties on his own. He’s very proud.

See related  The Daily Raff: ISE 2024 Day 2 Thoughts

OK, OK. I’ll talk about one of my favorite products now.

I spoke about this on rAVe [TV] above, but one of my favorite product lines I got to see was the SPACE line by CODA Audio. I am such a big fan of AV that looks like art. And for a show set in Barcelona, of course there is going to be plenty for me to take a look at. This line was no exception. This particular solution combines high-end audio, ambient lighting, and a 4K projection screen OR your favorite art piece to become a staple anywhere you might imagine.

Here’s my little video with exactly what it looks like:

Finally, I want to talk about a trend I noticed BIG TIME. I already mentioned on one of my other columns that XR stages were really taking over at this show — but I don’t think I’ve talked about how big of a trend security was. (When I say security I speak pretty generally. Cybersecurity, CCTVs, etc. Security has always been a little bit of a question mark in the AV industry, and I think right now we are beginning to figure out how it fits in. Just take a look at BirdDog’s stand — traditionally a broadcast camera company, it has developed some weatherproof NDI PTZ cameras meant for fixed installation in places like sports venues, retail, etc. I can imagine plenty of use cases, but I think security will only continue to take our industry by storm, via many companies in our industry.

birddog a300 gen 2

Well, that’s it for our last Daily Raff of ISE 2023. If this name confuses you, just remember that it goes with Gary Kayye’s trade show newsletter, “The Daily Riff.” #AVtweeps, stay cool, and I will see you at the next trade show!
